Notes on Self-psychology


Wikipedia entry on Heinz Kohut

Short Paper “A brief review of Self Psychology”

Paper about using Self Psychology with a narcissist patient

Paper an overview of Self Psycology

A paper by Kohut

Quotes and notes:

Treatment - Therapy


  1. Mirroring: In this type of transference, others serve as a mirror that reflects back a sense of self-worth and value. Just as people use a mirror to check appearance, mirroring transference involves use of the affirming and positive responses of others to see positive traits within the self.

  2. Idealizing: Kohut believed individuals need people who will make them feel calm and comfortable. An example of this can be seen in children who run to a parent for comfort after falling and being injured. The external other is idealized as somebody who is calm and soothing when one cannot provide that on their own.

  3. Twinship/Alter Ego: Kohut suggested that people need to feel a sense of likeness with others. For example, children want to be similar to their parents and mimic the behaviors they observe. Over the course of healthy development, a child becomes more able to tolerate differences.

Insufficient parental empathy may contributes to the development of a narcissistic personality. Empathy may be insufficient when a parent cannot react to or adequately nurture a child, is unable to meet the selfobject needs of a child, or if the dispositions of the parent and the child do not easily align. Any or all of these may affect the child’s ability to meet their own needs later in life.