It's not about you

When someone attacks you. It’s about something that is already hurting them. If you mirror their aggression, you bring more of it into the world. To injure an opponent is to injure yourself. To control aggression without inflicting injury is the Art of Peace. Morihei Ueshiba

Notes on Mental Models and First Principles

Selected Sources About Mental Models First Principles as a Core Mental Model Munger’s Mental Models Munger’s 3 top Mental Model How Elon Musk uses First Principles The Five Whys … developed by Sakichi Toyoda founder of Toyota Mind maps, cognitive maps, concept maps definitions Key concepts A first principle is...

Manifesto of a CASA Executive Director

Every day I walk into my office thinking of our children. The children we serve. But mostly the children we are not serving. The pain and suffering they are experiencing right now. How these awful experiences will affect their future, and the future of their children. I also think about...

We're building here

We’re building something here. Something incredibly important. Don’t be tempted to tear down someone’s ideas. That energy doesn’t belong here. We don’t have time for that. Instead, offer a solution to every problem you point out. Rescue value from everything. Yes, and.

Leveling up to lead

Leveling up to lead is a privilege and a responsibility. When you lead, your decisions gain wider and deeper consequence. So does your responsibility for your decisions. The quality of your decisions is limited by the quality of your information, the breadth of your knowledge, and the analytical capacity that...