10 Jul 2021
I learned many lessons while witnessing how Hugo Chavez brought radical change to Venezuelan society. He changed the country where I was born from a mediocre democracy to a strong authoritarian regime that forced me to leave with my family. Change the culture to change the world One of these...
10 Jul 2021
At a basic level, an employee can be a good performer when they are explained what steps to follow to do their job, they follow them efficiently and on time, resulting in the desired outcomes. But we can do much more than tell an employee what they need to do....
09 Jul 2021
I can identify a work path I’ve followed during my adult years. But I wouldn’t call it a career. I didn’t follow a professional path that already existed and was shown to me. When I look back on my work experiences, what I see is that I made choices based...
05 Jul 2021
I came across this wonderful quote:
The purpose of life is to discover your gift.
The work of life is to develop it.
The meaning of life is to give your gift away.
A bit about its origin by the quoteinvestigator.com
12 Feb 2021
This is my review of “Creating Your Strategic Plan: A Workbook for Public and Nonprofit Organizations”, by John M. Bryson, Farnum K. Alston. This is the workbook companion to “Strategic Planning for Public and Nonprofit Organizations” by John M. Bryson. The biggest value of the workbook is the worksheets and...